Bergen talents on strings


Who: Bergen kommune

String instrument players from Bergen who are recognized for their talent

Where: Bergen

Project period:

About the organization

Bergen Culture School is a voluntary school for 3,500 children and youth from ages 4 to 20 offering education in visual arts, theater, music, and dance. In addition, the Culture School reaches many more with conductor and music therapy services besides the Culture Carousel offerings for children in SFO (School Age Childcare). Since 2012, we have also had a talent program with 15 spots for string players who show exceptional skills, in collaboration with Barratt Due Institute of Music. The age group here is from 13 to 19 years.


About the project

How could Bergen end the emigration of young talented string players from the city? Why should youth age 13-19 leave their homes and have to move to Oslo for specialized education to excel their potential? 

Bergen kommune/Bergen kulturskole and Barratt Dues Musikkinstitutt established a program in 2012 for 15 students who through try-outs showed an exceptional talent on their string instrument. The program has been a success, and the youngsters could stay at home, with family and friends, until they had finished high school. The students have extended individual lessons every week with specialized teachers, and once a month they come together for chamber music, music theory and masterclasses with skilful teachers and musicians from Bergen or abroad. 


Today, many of the participants of the program work as musicians in Norway or abroad, or they study at national or international institutions. The program has given them an excellent start on a professional career as musicians, in competition with students of international standards. Our Alumni project "Camerata Bergen"(every other year) in cooperation with “Festspillene”, brings former and current students together and inspire each other.


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