Empowering visionaries through research
We support innovative medical research
that can have wide-reaching impact.
We support
Research that can have great impact on the development of new treatments.
Innovative ideas.
Women´s health and safe deliveries.
Cardiac disease with a special focus on women.
Strategic priorities 2023-2026
Women's health holds a paramount place in our society and warrants unwavering attention and care. We support initiatives that focus on the well-being of women, recognizing that their health is deeply intertwined with the wellness of families and communities. Internationally, we focus on Safe Deliveries.
All projects must be
Must be anchored in the SDGs.
Have local ownership.
Make a difference for people and communities and contribute to a more compassionate society.
Our support makes a difference.
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“It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver.”
— Gandhi