Brass for everyone


Who: Krohnengen Brass Band

Brass for Everyone Krohnengen Brass Band has a rich tradition of inspiring young musicians and offers the innovative Project “Brass for Everyone”.

Where: Bergen

Project period:

Web: Krohnengen Brass Band

About the organization:

Krohnengen Brass Band (KBB) is based in the heart of Bergen. Their members, who range in age from 18 to 34 years, are a diverse group. Members are primarily recruited locally, supplemented by people who move to Bergen to study. Despite their varied backgrounds, they all share a common passion for high-level brass music. The artistic range is wide, with demanding repertoire. The band is run entirely on a voluntary basis. Beyond their musical contributions, members dedicate numerous hours to volunteering and running the band. Their work is characterized by engagement, a sense of community, continuous development, and the joy of playing music. Their goal is for all musicians to continuously develop and deliver their best performances, within a social, engaging and inclusive community. Guided by world-class conductors, KBB have become an appealing band to join and an organization that members and supporters take pride in being a part of.


About the project:

Brass for Everyone Krohnengen Brass Band has a rich tradition of inspiring young musicians and offers the innovative Project “Brass for Everyone”. This includes a soloists’ concert for youth band musicians, sit-in rehearsals, free weekend seminars known as “KBB Young”, and an engaging “KBB Internship”. The aim is to provide young percussion and brass musicians the chance to interact and perform with one of Bergen’s top brass bands. Krohnengen is dedicated to fostering talent in brass band music, with “Brass for Everyone” playing a crucial role. All participation is free, and the initiative promotes well-being, sustainability, and social inclusion, reducing inequality. It has a proven impact on public health, with every tone and rehearsal making a difference. Krohnengen plays a significant role for children and young people, providing them with role models to aspire to.


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