#Soundofyouth – Contemporary Music Festival for Children and Youth


Who: BrassWind

Music Festival

Where: Norway, Bergen

Project period:
2022 - 2024


­­BrassWind is a contemporary music festival for bands, schoolbands, ensembles, soloists, professionals and amateurs. Here musicians meet to create new music, new sounds, assembled in new ways. Since 2004, BrassWind has features 132 premieres. This year the festival hosts at least 5 premieres on the program.  New additions to the festival this year is the Children’s BrassWind, a new initiative for children and youths, where the children compose and perform new music.  Manger Musikklag's new composer competition #soundofyouth, a project for children and youths under the age of 24, will also be presented at the festival.

BrassWind highly appreciates to have entered a collaboration with the Grieg Foundation. This gives us the opportunity to realize important new projects for children and young people.  With the support from Grieg Foundation we will be able to create an arena where people can come together to create new music and increase the interest and understanding of experimental art and music creation.  


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