Innovation Center for physical exercise and research


Who: Aktiv Mot Kreft

Competence Center for Exercise and Cancer - Equipment for Research Lab

Where: Oslo, Norway

Project period:

About the project:

Aktiv mot kreft will establish an Innovation Center for physical exercise and research in a new building next to Oslo University Hospital (Radium hospital) in Oslo, Norway. The main part of the center will consist of a large fitness center and a research lab. These facilities will provide the opportunity to introduce prehabilitation into standard cancer treatment, along with cutting edge research within the field of Exercise Oncology.


About the organisation:

Aktiv mot kreft is a private, independent foundation established by Grete Waitz and Helle Aanesen in 2007. The vision of the foundation is to make sure that personalized physical exercise (as part of prehabilitation) becomes part of standard cancer care in Norway - and the rest of the world.


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