

Who: Stiftelsen Miniøya

Miniøya is Norway's largest music and culture festival for children.

Where: Tøyenparken, Oslo, Norway

Project period:

Web: Miniøya 2023

Miniøya is Norway's largest music and culture festival for children. Our diverse program features music, theater, literature, dance, disco, and engaging workshops, providing children with a wide range of cultural experiences and artistic expressions. The festival showcases both established and emerging artists, captivating performances, and interactive workshops that actively involve children and allow them to explore the transformative power of art.


Our vision is to push boundaries and create surprising and engaging experiences that transcend age, interests, and generations. The lineup for Miniøya 2023 reflects not only our vision but also emphasizes gender balance and representation across a diverse array of genres and musical styles. Miniøya sets the standard for new cultural experiences where the child's holistic experience takes center stage. Highlights of this year's program include Musti, Marit Larsen with Oslo Strings, brenn., Darling West, KAMARA, Jonas Benyoub, Nationaltheatret, and The Flying Seagulls.

Miniøya´s primary target audience is children aged 0-12 and their families. We strive to provide culturally enriching and tailored experiences that recognize children as active participants.

Under the theme "Stories", Miniøya 2023 weaves together beloved and well-known tales with fresh narratives, artists, and audiences, creating unforgettable experiences that inspire young minds. The festival celebrates diversity and inclusivity, bringing together individuals from diverse cultural and social backgrounds.


Our goal is to set a new standard for children's cultural events by nurturing curiosity, creativity, and a love for the arts. Miniøya aims to leave a lasting impact on children's lives, sparking their imagination and cultivating their appreciation for music and culture.

Sustainability lies at the heart of Miniøya and has done since its establishment in 2010. Our commitment to reuse and recycling has been ingrained in the festival's DNA from the beginning. We continuously strive to create a sustainable event ­– with a mindset of changing what we can, where we can. Miniøya received its Eco-Lighthouse certification in 2019 and was re-certified in 2022. As a children's festival, we have identified several of the UN's Sustainable Development Goals as relevant guiding principles:

#5 Gender equality

#7 Clean energy

#10 Reduced inequalities

#12 Responsible consumption and production

#17 Partnership.

The festival administration consists of four full-time employees and two part-time employees. In addition, we engage around 70 freelancers in key roles and over 500 volunteers, prior to the festival. We prioritize inclusivity, emphasizing social interaction and personal achievement through tasks, as we have found that active participation leads to the highest level of engagement.


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