Vocational training


Who: Norwegian Church Aid (Kirkens Nødhjelp)

Vocational training and job training

Where: Somalia

Project period:


Somalia is a country affected by conflicts and lawless conditions. There is huge demand for skilled labor in several professions. Unemployment is high, especially among young people.

Grieg Foundation funds a training program that Norwegian Church Aid run together with local institutions, where Somali youth receive relevant and targeted education and training.

We started the program in 2021 and the results were so good that we decided to continue the program for three more years. Young men and women receive intensive training and practical experience in electronics, plumbing and tailoring. Girls are encouraged to choose untraditionally, and several girls have chosen to study electronics, which was previously only reserved for men. It is great to see young girls who boldly and purposefully acquire expertise, in this case, as electricians and manage to break previous barriers for girls in getting a good paid job.

Through cooperation with local businesses, the students also get work experience. With the vocational training under they belt, these young people can get a job and the possibility to support themselves and their families. This strengthens the local communities. We follow up the students after graduation and help them get a job and an income. The results are very good. 9 months after the first class of students graduates, everybody has paid jobs.

We are proud to continue this successful cooperation and make it possible for Somali youth to create a future for themselves.


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