The Human Aspect: Preventing bullying in schools
Who: The Human Aspect
What: Anti-bullying measures in schools.
Project period: 2024
Web: The Human Aspect
About the project:
The Human Aspect aims through this project to foster a deeper understanding of bullying for students, teachers, and next of kin. Both on a logical and emotional level, but also understanding what the consequences of bullying can be. The goal is to increase the psychosocial knowledge of preventive activities and actions around bullying for students, teachers, and schools, by creating and integrating 15 educational programs on bullying.
The Human Aspect has for the last 3 years led an innovative project utilizing lived experience resources from The Life Experience Library, which contains more than 750 in-depth video interviews, documentaries, podcasts, and more, to create educational programs for teachers to use in secondary school and high school. The platform for secondary school will contain 75 educational programs linked to specific subjects in the curriculum, combined with the overarching life mastery (livsmestring) goals. This grant will allow THA to make 15 programs specifically about bullying. 4 customized programs for each grade (4x3) and 1 (1x3) workshop program for each class. The programs are custom-designed to be carried out by teachers, substitutes without a program, environmental therapists, health nurses, or similar support persons at secondary schools.
The programs will be created by the project team that has worked on developing these for 3 years and will pass three stages of approval - Pedagogical (teacher), engagement (student) and psychological. This will happen in close partnerships with partner schools in Rogaland, before it is demonstrated in the schools and further distributed to classrooms across the country.
The Human Aspect fosters conversations that bring deeper insight into our mental health and life challenges, to connect beyond barriers through our human aspect. THA is behind the Life Experience Library, the world's largest free mental health resource. It contains 750+ in-depth video interviews (30-70 min), 15 short documentaries (10-20 min), 280+ podcast episodes of “Hverdagspsyken”, 200+ infographics, articles and more. The library is a searchable database where users can find digitized lived experience combined with psychoeducation on topics like depression, identity, anxiety, self-image, grief, physical illness, discrimination and more. The content provides the user with an engaging way to increase their emotional vocabulary, and psychosocial understanding, to lower their sense of stigma towards themselves and others, all to make vulnerability feel safe. The foundation works to integrate THA resources into the different layers of services, such as schools, therapy rooms, companies, peer support, social support and beyond.
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