Upgrading The Stony Path From The City to The Mountain
Who: Bergen skog- og træplantings selskap
What: Upgrading Skredderdalen with a stony path from the city to the mountain
Where: Bergen
Project period: 2023
Web: Byfjell skogene
Skredderdalen is a narrow, steep and beautiful path from the busy city of Bergen to the quiet mountains where hikers, runners and tourists can enjoy the forest. The path has been used for ages and is one of the main paths up to the popular recreation area of Fløyen.
However in the last years the popular path has been badly eroded after many years of heavy recreational use and Bergen rain! Many people now find the steep path too challenging and dangerous and avoid using it. The non-profit foundation «Bergens Skog-og Træplantningsselskap» that manages the area, will in 2023 upgrade the popular path. In the steepest part of the path they will use the sherpa from Nepal to build stone steps. The Grieg Foundation is the main sponsor for the project.
The goal for the project is to make the path safe to use and to motivate more people to experience the beautiful area and get healthy exercise.

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