Myllena Pereira dos Santos, 10 years old
"I felt a lot of difference. She became more affectionate and more polite.”
Participating in the cultural workshops offered by the Rede Cultural Beija-Flor is more than just occupying free time. It is an opportunity to learn, develop new skills, and find support to trace promising paths that can lead to a better future.
One of the thousands of children assisted annually by Beija-Flor is Myllena Pereira dos Santos, 10 years old. The girl lives with her mother, Alexandra Pereira, and two older sisters. The four of them – plus three dogs – live in a small house in a favela of Diadema. Myllena shares a room with her mother and sleeps on a mattress on the floor: "Sometimes I sleep with her," says the girl, pointing to her mother's bed.
Despite having electricity and running water, their humble home is located in a slum area, only accessible through narrow alleys. There is a permanent presence of young men dealing drugs right next to their entrance.
One has to be strong and brave not to let yourself be dragged down by this poor and dangerous reality, which seems to be the only option available for many young people in the poor Brazilian outskirts. But it doesn’t necessarily have to be so. One of the tasks of Beija-Flor is precisely to act preventively, offering children like Myllena new opportunities and options for a better life.
Fortunately, Myllena grabbed this opportunity about two years ago, and the effect of this can already be seen, as Alexandra comments. "Myllena is quiet. When she started (attending the workshops) at Beija-Flor, I felt quite a difference. She is now more affectionate and more polite," says the mother, with a smile.
At the institution, the girl participates in different workshops, such as cooking, acoustic guitar, and arts. "I like to draw. I draw a lot," comments Myllena, when asked about her favorite workshop. "It's the arts. It's what comforts me," she says.
Stories like Myllena's are possible thanks to the support of institutions like Grieg Foundation. It allows Beija-Flor to develop programs for children at risk that provide them with the opportunity to develop and realize their potential.

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