Art Therapy at the Hospital


Who: Haukeland University Hospital

What: “
The art of getting well” (Kunsten å bli frisk)

Where: Bergen

Project period:
2017 – 2020

The project "Kunsten å bli frisk" started as a co-operation between Kunstfrisk and Haukeland University Hospital.  The purpose of the three-year long project has been to develop and establish art therapy as a permanent service to children and adolescents at the hospital.  Until 31 December 2020 the project was funded by Grieg Foundation, Rieber Fondene, Sparebanken Vest and The Children and Youth Clinic. 

By introducing art therapy at the hospital, the aim was to establish clinical experiences in the field and then follow up as part of the clinic's quality measures, with the intention thereby of establishing a research project in this discipline.  The research assessed that art therapy should be fully available to benefit all children and adolescents under 18 years of age admitted to Haukeland University Hospital, both in the somatic and mental health units.  And the art therapy may also include working with next-of-kin, if desired and appropriate. It is an important contribution for the well-being of children and adolescents during everyday life at the hospital.   

Due to the project's success, a new permanent position of art therapist has been created at the hospital, and Irén Kleiven has now been fully appointed since 1. January 2021. 


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