Spreading JOY and Bringing Generations TOGETHER


Who: JOY

Job opportunities for young people in nursing holes

Where: Norway, Bergen

Project period:


SAMMEN is an innovative project where we give youth a job opportunity at local nursing homes for elderly. The youth will arrange activities like Bingo, Raffles, a parade at the Norwegian constitution day, torchlight processions and carol singing at Christmastime.

With the help and guidance from local professional artists and actors, the youth will also stage different performances containing acting and singing. Joy and magic moments happen when young and elderly meet and interact.

The project is aiming to reach the age group between 13 and 15. Many youth quit other organized activities at this age. The SAMMEN project hope to give them an alternative where they can find a place to belong and at the same time give something valuable to others. For the elderly the project can help to prevent loneliness, improve mental and physical health, and hopefully give an improved quality of life.


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