The vintage ship MV Granvin

2001. Tur til Modalen. Foto Harald Sætre.jpg

Who: The vintage ship MV Granvin

restoration of MV Granvin

Where: Bergen

Project period:

The Norwegian vintage ship MV Granvin was built in 1931 at Mjellem & Karlsen, in Bergen, Norway for Hardanger Sunnhordlandske Dampskipsselskap for local trade with freight, passengers and cars.

The vessel sailed in regular traffic in Hardanger between 1931 and 1987. Granvin is a typical representative of the local passenger vessel built between the wars for traffic between Bergen and hinterland.

In 1988, the vessel was acquired by Veteranskipslaget Fjordabåten with the a view to preservation. In 1988/89, the vessel was restored to her original appearance with funnel and large saloon below deck forward.

Bergen is the base port.

2012. I Fyksesund.  Workshop - Den Kulturelle fjorden.  Foto Harald Sætre.jpg

The Restoration

MV Granvin must undergo extensive restoration to obtain certification from the Norwegian Maritime Authority. We must replace large parts of the hull from midship to bow. The tank tops of the diesel and water tank must be replaced, and large parts of the steel in which the ship deck is attached must be replaced. Because MV Granvin is protected by the Directorate of Cultural Heritage, old working methods must be used. The steel plates must be riveted, which is both time-consuming and costly. The entire project will take approx. 2 years and cost more than NOK 5 million. The contribution from the Grieg Foundation is crucial for the restoration of M/S Granvin.

2008. MS Granvin på vestsiden av Bømlo. Foto Helge Sunde.jpg

MV Granvin will be launched in April 2022.


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