“Brobygger” and “Veiviser”


Who: PitStop

Two pilot projects for vulnerable youths in Bergen

Where: Bergen

Project period:

Web: PitStop

PitStop is a nationwide non-profit organisation which works with social entrepreneurship. Together with Grieg Foundation, PitStop work with vulnerable youth in Bergen, through these two new projects:

The first project is named “Brobygger”, meaning “building bridges” which is an outreach program. Many youths struggle to reach out to the already existing health services in their communities due to mental health problems. Likewise, existing help services are unable to help these youths as they don’t show up. Therefore, the aim of “Brobygger” is to build a bridge between the youths that have isolated themselves at home and the existing help services. By doing this we hope to help more young people back to work and school.

The second project is called “Veiviser”, meaning “Pathfinder”. This is a project for young people that have completed our 6-9 months qualification program: “Klar-Ferdig-Gå”. The youth who need some extra support in the transition between our program and into education or work, will be given a mentor who supports them along this transition. We believe that this will increase the chances of a successful transition which prevents youth from reversing back into isolation.

PitStop has as their vision to become the national leading supplier of innovative program who prevents and reduces the problem of young people Not in Education, Employment, or Training (NEET). Their organization is built on the values of wisdom, warm hearts and sustainable solutions where the goal is to strengthen vulnerable youths’ resilience. Through an innovative co-creation model, PitStop is uniting resources from both private-, voluntary-, and public- sector. Thus, local communities together help young people who has fallen out of the society to find their meaning in life and support them back into education or employment.

Read more about your previous collaboration: PitStop and Grieg Foundation 2019 - 2021


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