Communication in a smarter way: helping the elderly and their relatives
Who: weCare
What: Digital tool to coordinate care for elderly
Where: Norway
Project period: 2017-2020
Web: weCare
weCare is an app specifically developed for relatives who together provide care for elderly family members. The app helps caregivers communicate in a smarter way, gives a better overview of who does what concerning the care, and will contribute to helping families stay strong and united, ensuring best possible care for the elderly.
weCare’s goal is to make it easier for the family to work together, and include more members of the family to contribute in the care, for example grandchildren. By working together in a positive way, the startup company believes that the app will have a positive impact on the whole family. Ensuring visits, help to solve practical challenges in everyday life for the elderly, and overview and collaboration for the younger generation who provide the help.
“Our goal is to create a smart and effective tool that will help relatives collaborate in their care for elderly family members. We hope the app will inspire and make it easier for families to make the care a joint family project. “
- Silje Katrine Robinson, CEO
The first support was important to get more information about the users so we could adapt the application to exactly what the users need. Later on Grieg Foundation entered as an investor. The later support will be used to get the product more known among Norwegian families. Branding and marketing will be important parts of this.
In Norway 700 000 people give informal care to someone in their immediate family. Within 2040 there will be over 500 000 people above 80 years old. The amount of beds in institutions for elderly is not close to matching that number. Elderly people will have to live longer in their homes. Without smart tools to help families work together, stay strong and focused on providing care, our elderly will face multiple challenges living at home.
Grieg Foundation has supported weCare since the early beginning in 2017.
“We are very grateful,” says CEO Silje Katrine Robinson. “Grieg Foundation believed in the application and our idea about helping the elderly and their families before anyone else.”
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