Vocational Training and Job Training Provide Somali Youth with Work


Who: Kirkens Nødhjelp/ Norwegian Church Aid

Vocal training and job training

Where: Somalia

Project period:
2022 - 2024


Vocational training and job training provide Somali youth with work.

Somalia has for many years been a country affected by a lot of conflicts and to some extent lawless conditions. Offshore piracy has been a major problem for international shipping business and radical Islamic groups have made life very difficult for locals in many places. The situation has improved somewhat, but it is still unstable. Unemployment is high, especially among young people. With great poverty and few possibilities, there is a danger that young people will become radicalized or criminal. Nevertheless, there is a need for skilled labor in several professions.

Therefore, Norwegian Church Aid, together with local institutions, has created a project where Somali youth, boys and girls, receive relevant and very targeted education and training adapted to the needs for educated labor that exist in the area. They participate in intensive training and practical experience in, among other things, electronics, such as plumbers and sewing clothes and other textile products. Through acquiring these skills and knowledge, young people get a good opportunity to support themselves and their families. This also means a strengthening of the local communities.

Girls taking a untraditional leap

Girls are encouraged to choose untraditionally, and several girls have chosen to study electronics, which was previously only reserved for boys and men. It's great to see young girls who boldly and purposefully acquire expertise, in this case, as electricians and manage to break previous barriers for girls in getting a good and paid job. In the project, we also have good contact with local businesses that demand this type of education. We also follow up the students after graduation to help them get a job and an income. As a result, most students already after 9 months now have paid jobs or do income-generating work themselves.

It is very gratifying that we can now continue this successful work with financial support from the Grieg Foundation. The Grieg Foundation's support is crucial for the operation and we at Norwegian Church Aid are very grateful for the cooperation!


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